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Conferences (by topic)
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Journal Publications
- T. Biermann, L. Scalia, C. Choi, K. Kozu, H. Karl, W. Kellerer. How Backhaul Networks Influence the Feasibility of Coordinated Multi-Point in Cellular Networks. To appear in IEEE Communications Magazine, 2013.
- B. Fu, D. Munaretto, T. Melia, B. Sayadi, W. Kellerer. Analyzing the Combination of Different Approaches for Video Transport Optimization for Next Generation Cellular Networks. To appear in IEEE Network Magazine, Special Issue on Video over Mobile Networks, vol. 27, no. 2, März 2013.
- T. Biermann, C. Choi, H. Karl, W. Kellerer. CoMP Clustering and Backhaul Limitations in Cooperative Cellular Mobile Access Networks. Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 662–681, October 2012.
- W. Kellerer, T. Magedanz. Next Generation Service Delivery Platforms. PIK, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 131-132, August 2012.
- D. Jurca, A. Khan, A. Zugenmaier, W. Kellerer. Network Virtualization - A Hypervisor for the Internet? IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 136 - 143, January 2012.
- H. Lundqvist, D. Jurca, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Service Program Mobility: A New Paradigm for Mobile Operators’ Service Delivery. Journal of Communications (JCM) Special Issue on IP Communications Services, Vol 7, No 2, 2012, pp. 106-114.
PDF version
- A. Khan. K. Kozu, W. Kellerer, M. Yabusaki. Network Sharing in Next Mobile Network: TCO Reduction, Management Flexibility and Operational Independence.
Feature topic on Traffic Management for Mobile Broadband Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 49, No. 10, October 2011, pp. 134-142.
- T. Hossfeld, F. Lehrieder, D. Hock, S. Oechsner, Z. Despotovic, M. Michel, W. Kellerer.
Characterization of BitTorrent Swarms and their Distribution in the Internet.
Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (COMNET), Volume 55, Issue 5, 1 April 2011, pp. 1197-1215.
- K. Römer, B. Ostermaier, F. Mattern, M. Fahrmair, W. Kellerer. Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey.
Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Sensor Network Applications, Vol. 98, Issue 11, Nov. 2010, pp. 1887 - 1902.
- S. Oechsner, T. Hossfeld, D. Staehle, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer, M. Michel. Mitigating unfairness in locality-aware peer-to-peer networks. Int. J. of Network Management, Wiley, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2011, pp. 3–20.
- W. Kellerer, T. Magedanz. Next Generation Service Delivery Platforms and Service Overlay Networks (Editorial). PIK. Vol. 33, No. 1, 2010.
- D. Ochi, J. Widmer, W. Kellerer. Exploiting cell phones for distributed search for mobile phones. PIK. Vol. 32, No. 4, Dec. 2009, pp. 219-223.
- S. Thakolsri, S. Khan, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer. QoE-Driven Cross-Layer Optimization for High Speed Downlink Packet Access. Journal of Communications (JCM)
special issue on Multimedia Communications, Networking and Applications, Journal of Communications, Vol. 4, No. 9 (2009), 669-680, Oct 2009.
- W. Kellerer, J. Widmer, H. Berndt. Next Generation Mobile Internet - Network and Service Platform. Information Technology, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, special issue on Next Generation Internet, 2008.
PDF version
- C. Frank, P. Bolliger, F. Mattern, W. Kellerer. The Sensor Internet at Work: Locating Everyday Items Using Mobile Phones. Elsevier Journal on Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 421-447, June 2008. PDF version
- S. Zoels, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. On Hierarchical DHT Systems – An Analytical Approach for Optimal Designs.
Computer Communications (COMCOM), Elsevier, Vol 31, Issue 3 (February 2008) , pp. 576-590. Article for free download
- R. Shacham, H. Schulzrinne, S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer. Ubiquitous Device Personalization and Use: The Next Generation of IP Multimedia Communication. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP),
Vol 3, Issue 2, May 2007, Article No. 12. (received the ITG award 2008)
- S. Khan, S. Duhovnikov, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer.
MOS-based Multi-user Multi-application Cross-layer Optimization for Mobile Multimedia Communication.
Journal of Advances in Multimedia (AM), Special issue on Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Multimedia Communications. Volume 2007, Article ID 94918. Article for free download
- S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer. Session Mobility: Service Continuity across Terminals. NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal, Vol. 14, No.4, January 2007.
- W. Kellerer, S. Arbanowski. Advances in Service Platform Technologies for Next Generation Mobile Systems – Part 2. IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic, Vol.44, No.9, September 2006.
- W. Kellerer, S. Arbanowski. Advances in Service Platform Technologies for Next Generation Mobile Systems – Part 1. IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic, Vol.44, No.8, August 2006.
- Lai-U Choi, Wolfgang Kellerer, Eckehard Steinbach. On Cross Layer Design for Streaming Video Delivery in Multi-user Wireless Environments.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue on Radio Resource Management in 3G+ Systems,
Volume 2006, Article ID 60349, Pages 1–10, August 2006.
(full paper)
- K. Imai, K. Yamazaki, H. Nakamura, W. Kellerer, S. Kurakake: Seamless Communication Services.
Invited paper in IEICE Transactions (Japanese Edition), August 2006.
(IEICE Transactions)
- I. Gruber, R. Schollmeier, W. Kellerer.
Peer-to-Peer Communication in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, An International Journal, Old City Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, Vol. 2, No. 2.3, April 2006.
- W. Kellerer, G. Kunzmann, R. Schollmeier, S. Zöls. Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems for Telecommunications and Mobile Environments.
International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier, Vol. 60, Issue 1, January 2006, pp. 25-29.
(full paper)
- S. Khan, M. Sgroi, Y. Peng, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer.
Application-driven Cross Layer Optimization for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks.
IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Cross-Layer Protocol Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 1, January 2006.
- M. Wagner, M. Luther, R. Hirschfeld, W. Kellerer, A. Tarlano.
From Personal Mobility to Mobile Personality.
Telektronikk, special issue on Future Mobile Phones, Telenor, Oslo, Norway, Vol. 101, No. 4.2005, October 2005.
(full paper)
- S. Arbanowski, P. Ballon, K. David, O. Droegehorn, H. Eertink, W. Kellerer, H. van Kranenburg,
K. Raatikainen, R. Popescu-Zeletin. I-centric Communications: Personalization, Ambient Awareness,
and Adaptability for Future Mobile Services. IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 42, No. 9, September 2004, pp. 63-69.
- W. Kellerer, C. Noda, M. Sgroi, A. Tarlano, S. Thakolsri, M. Wagner, H. Berndt.
Next-generation Service Platform and Middleware Technologies. NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2004.
- W. Kellerer, M. Wagner, W.-T. Balke, H. Schulzrinne. Preference-based Session Management for IP-based Multimedia Signaling.
European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT), Wiley, Chichester, Vol. 15, No. 4, July-August 2004, pp. 415-427.
(full paper)
- J. Glasmann, W. Kellerer, H. Müller. Service Architectures in H.323 and SIP – A Comparison.
IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, fourth quarter 2003, Vol. 5, No. 2.
- C. Prehofer, W. Kellerer, R. Hirschfeld, H. Berndt, K. Kawamura.
Architecture Supporting Adaptation and Evolution in Fourth Generation Mobile Communication Systems.
JCN Journal of Communications and Networks, December 2002, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 336-343.
(full paper)
- W. Kellerer, H.-J. Vögel, K.-E. Steinberg. A Communication Gateway for Infrastructure Independent 4G Wireless Access.
IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2002, Vol.9 No.3, pp.126-131.
- W. Kellerer, C. Bettstetter, C. Schwingenschlögl, P. Sties, K.-E. Steinberg, H.-J. Vögel.
(Auto) Mobile Communication in a Heterogeneous and Converged World. IEEE Personal Communications Magazine,
December 2001, Vol.8 No.6, pp. 41-47.
- Wolfgang Kellerer, Achim Autenrieth, and Andreas Iselt. Experiences with Evaluation of SDL-Based Protocol Engineering in Education.
Journal of Computer Science Education, Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Volume 10, Number 3, 2000, pp.225-241.
- W. Kellerer. Prototyping von Telekommunikationssystemen mit SDL.
It + ti - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 41 (1999) Heft 3, Oldenbourg Verlag, 1999, pp. 21-28.
Conferences and Workshops
Network Virtualization and Future Mobile Internet
Optical Mobile Transport
Information-centric Networking, Peer-to-Peer and Overlay Systems and Social Networks
Ubiquitous Networking
(Mobile) Service Platforms
Mobile Multimedia and Cross Layer Design
Signaling Systems
IP over Broadcast Networks
Communication Protocol Engineering
Network Virtualization and Future Mobile Internet
- S. Herker, I. Vaishnavi, A. Khan, K. Kozu, W. Kellerer. Use Cases and Derived Requirements for a Reconfigurable Mobile Network.
ICC 2012 Workshop on Advanced Mobile Networks (AMN’12), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
- A. Khan, D. Jurca, W. Kellerer. The Reconfigurable Mobile Network. IEEE ICC Workshop on Advances in Mobile Networking,
IEEE ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, June 9, 2011.
- W. Kellerer, A. Khan, K. Kozu, et al. Provisioning and Operation of Virtual Networks. ITG/GI Workshop on Network Virtualization, Kiel Germany, March 10, 2011.
- M. Bienkowski, A. Feldmann, D. Jurca, W. Kellerer, G. Schaffrath, S. Schmid, J. Widmer. Competitive Analysis for Service Migration in VNets.
ACM SIGCOMM VISA’10 workshop in conjunction with ACM SIGCOMM 2010, New Dehli, India, Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, 2010.
- D. Schlosser, M. Hoffmann, T. Hoßfeld, A. Kirstaedter, W. Kellerer, S. Köhler, COMCON: Use Cases for Virtual Future Networks. ICST TridentCom 2010, Berlin, Germany, May 18-20, 2010.
- W. Kellerer, J. Widmer, A. Khan, D. Jurca. Future Mobile Network: Use Cases for Network Virtualization. 9th Würzburg
Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and EuroNF Workshop Visions of Future Generation Networks (EuroView 2009), Würzburg, Germany, July 27-28, 2009.
- W. Kellerer, J. Widmer, H. Berndt. Next Generation Mobile Internet - Network and Service Platform. Information Technology, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München, special issue on Next Generation Internet, 2008.
PDF version
- W. Kellerer, R. Hirschfeld, C. Prehofer, H. Berndt.
Configurable 4G System Architecture. In proc. 6th WWRF Meeting, London, UK, June 25 - 26, 2002.
- R. Hirschfeld, W. Kellerer, C. Prehofer, H. Berndt.
An Integrated System Concept for Fourth Generation Mobile Communication.
In proc. EURESCOM Summit 2002, Heidelberg, Germany, October 21 - 24, 2002.
- W. Kellerer, H.-J. Vögel, K.-E. Steinberg.
A Communication Gateway for Infrastructure Independent Wireless Access.
In proc. IEEE International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond, San Francisco, USA, May 30 - June 1, 2001
Optical Mobile Transport
- W. Kellerer, W. Kiess, L. Scalia, T. Biermann, C. Choi, K. Kozu. Novel cellular optical access network and convergence with FTTH. OFC 2012, Los Angeles, USA, March 4-8, 2012. (invited paper)
- W. Kiess, C. Choi, A. Khan, K. Kozu, W. Kellerer. Protection scheme for passive optical networks shared between a fixed and a mobile operator. OFC 2012, Los Angeles, USA, March 4-8, 2012.
- T. Biermann, L. Scalia, C. Choi, H. Karl, W. Kellerer. Improving CoMP Cluster Feasibility by Dynamic Serving Base Station Reassignment.
22nd Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, Sept. 11-14, 2011.
- T. Biermann, L. Scalia, C. Choi, H. Karl, W. Kellerer. Backhaul Network Pre-Clustering in Cooperative Cellular Mobile Access Networks. IEEE WoWMoM 2011, Lucca, Italy, June 20-24, 2011.
- W. Kellerer, H. Berndt, M. Yabusaki. Towards a Next Mobile Network. ITG Conference on Broadband Access, Berlin, Germany, March 29-30, 2011.
Information-centric Networking, Peer-to-Peer and Overlay Systems and Social Networks
- H. Lundqvist, Z. Despotovic, G. Kunzmann, J. Frtunikj, W. Kellerer. Service Program Mobility – Dynamic Service Roaming. IEEE Globecom 2011, Mobile Computing and Emerging Communication Networks Workshop (MCECN), December 5-9, 2011, Houston, USA.
- J. W. Lee, R. Francescangeli, J. Janak, S. Srinivasan, S. Baset, H. Schulzrinne, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. NetServ: Active Networking 2.0. IEEE ICC 2011 – workshop Future InternetIV, Kyoto, Japan, June 9, 2011.
- H. Lundqvist, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Service Program Mobility Architecture. IEEE ICIN 2011, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 4-7, 2011.
- W. Galuba, D. Chakraborty, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Outtweeting the Twitterers - Predicting Information Cascades in Microblogs. USENIX WOSN 2010, Boston, USA, June 2010.
- F. Lehrieder, S. Oechsner, T. Hossfeld, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer, M. Michel. Can P2P-Users Benefit from Locality-Awareness? IEEE Intl. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, Delft, The Netherlands, August 25-27, 2010.
- Z. Despotovic, Q. Hofstaetter, M. Michel, W. Kellerer. An Operator Approach to Popularity-based Caching in DHTs. IEEE ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.
- M. Michel, S. Agarwal, A. Feldmann, W. Kellerer. Toward QoE-aware Optimum Cache Sizes for Video-on-Demand Systems. IEEE ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.
- W. Galuba, P. Papadimitratos, M. Poturalski, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer.
CASTOR: Scalable Secure Routing for Ad-hoc Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2010 main conference,
San Diego, March 15-19, 2010.
- W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Can Social Networks Help BitTorrent? IEEE CCNC 2010, Las Vegas, USA, 2010.
- IEEE CCNC best student paper award
- W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Self-organized fault-tolerant routing in peer-to-peer overlays. Third IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO'09), San Francisco, USA, Sept. 14-18, 2009.
- W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. ProtoPeer: Distributed Systems Prototyping Toolkit. IEEE P2P 2009, Seattle, USA, Sept. 9-11. 2009.
- S. Zoels, Q. Hofstätter, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Achieving and Maintaining Cost-Optimal Operation of a Hierarchical DHT System. IEEE Intl. Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.
- W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. ProtoPeer: A P2P Toolkit Bridging the Gap Between Simulation and Live Deployement. International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (Simutools’09), Rome, March 2-6 2009.
- J. Lee, H. Schulzrinne, W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic. mDHT: Multicast-augmented DHT Architecture for High Availability and Immunity to Churn. IEEE Conference on Consumer Communications and Networking (CCNC’09), Las Vegas, US, Jan. 10-13.
- W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Bandwidth-efficient delay- and loss-tolerant overlay routing. The 16th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP’08), Orlando, Florida, USA, October 19-22, 2008.
- J. Lee, H. Schulzrinne, W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic. Bootstrapping Large-scale DHT Networks. CoNEXT 2007 student workshop, New York, December 10-12, 2007.
- W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. ProtoPeer: from Simulation to Live Deployment in One Step. Eight International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’08), Aachen, Germany, September 8-11, 2008.
- Q. Hofstätter, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer, M. Michel. Chordella - A Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Overlay Implementation for Heterogeneous, Mobile Environments. Eight International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’08), Aachen, Germany, September 8-11, 2008.
- J. Lee, H. Schulzrinne, W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic. Z2Z: Discovering Zeroconf Services Beyond Local Link. SUPE07 in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington, US, November 26-30, 2007.
- S. Zoels, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Load-Balancing in Hierarchical DHT-based P2P Systems. The 3rd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2007), White Plains, New York, USA, November 12-15, 2007.
- W. Galuba, Z. Despotovic, K. Aberer, W, Kellerer. Authentication-free Peer-to-Peer fault Tolerance. Fifth International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P 2007) held at VLDB 2007, 24 September 2007, Vienna, Austria.
- Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer, M. Michel, Q. Wei, J. Widmer, T. Kato. P2P Search Routing Concepts for Mobile Object tracking (Poster). 4th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2007), Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 6-10, 2007.
- W. Kellerer. Peer-to-Peer networking in heterogeneous, mobile environments. 7th Wuerzburg joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on IP: Visions of Future Generation Networks (EuroView2007), July 23-24, 2007, Wuerzburg, Germany.
- J. Lee, H. Schulzrinne, W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic. z2z: Zeroconf Service Discovery Beyond Local Link (invited presentation). 1st New York City Peer-to-Peer Workshop, Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, New York, USA, May 25, 2007.
- W. Kellerer. Operator-driven Peer-to-Peer Service Platform for Mobile Environments. In proc. MP2P 2007 workshop in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2007, White Plains, NY, US, March 19-23, 2007 (Invited Presentation).
- W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic, M. Michel, S. Zoels, Q. Hofstaetter. Towards a Mobile Peer-to-Peer Service Platform.
To appear in proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on Next Generation Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems (SPMS 2007)
in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2007), Hiroshima, JAPAN, January 15-19, 2007.
(full paper)
- S. Zoels, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Cost-Based Analysis of Hierarchical DHT Design.
In proc. 6th IEEE Intl. Conference on P2P Computing, Sept. 6-8, Cambridge, UK.
(full paper)
- S. Zoels, S. Schubert, W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic. Content Availability and Signaling Overhead in DHT Systems for Mobile Environments. In proc. 25th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2006), July, 23-26, 2006, Denver, Colorado, US.
(full paper)
- K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic, W. Galuba, W. Kellerer.
The Complex Facets of Reputation and Trust. Invited Paper.
In Proc. 9th Fuzzy Days, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, Germany, September 18 - 20, 2006.
(full paper)
- S. Zöls, S. Schubert, W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic. Hybrid DHT Design for Mobile Environments.
In proc. AP2P workshop at AAMAS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9-12, 2006.
(full paper)
- S. Zöls, M. Eichhorn, A. Tarlano, W. Kellerer. Content-based Hierarchies in DHT-based Peer-to-Peer Systems.
In proc. IEEE/IPSJ SAINT 2006 workshop on Next Generation IP-based Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems (SPMS2006), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Jan. 23-27, 2006.
- W. Kellerer, R. Schollmeier. Proactive Search Routing for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks: Zone-based P2P.
In proc. 5th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN 2005), Paris, France, June 29 – July 1, 2005.
(full paper)
- Stefan Zöls, Rüdiger Schollmeier, Quirin Hofstätter, Anthony Tarlano, Wolfgang Kellerer.
The Impact of Content Distribution on Structured P2P Networks in Mobile Scenarios.
In proc. EUNICE Open European Summer School, Colmenarejo, Spain, July 6-8, 2005.
- S. Zöls, R. Schollmeier, A. Tarlano, W. Kellerer.
The Hybrid Chord Protocol: A Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Context-Aware Mobile Applications.
In proc. IEEE 4th Intl. Conference on Networking (ICN), Reunion Island, April 2005. LNCS 3421.
(full paper)
- R. Schollmeier, W. Kellerer. Suitability of Bloom Filters for Network Applications.
In proc. SPECTS 2004, San Jose, CA, US, July 25-29, 2004.
- R. Shacham, H. Schulzrinne, S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer.
An Architecture for Location-based Service Mobility Using the SIP Event Model.
In proc. ACM MobiSys 2004, Boston, US, June 2004.
- I. Gruber, R. Schollmeier, W. Kellerer.
Performance Evaluation of the Mobile Peer-to-Peer Protocol.
In proc. ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Global Peer-to-Peer Computing, Chicago, US, April 19-22, 2004.
(full paper)
- Tarlano, W. Kellerer. Context Spaces Architectural Framework.
In proc. 2004 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2004) Workshops: Workshop on Ubiquitous Services, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 26-30, 2004.
Ubiquitous Networks and Services
- B. Maryam Elahi, K. Römer, B. Ostermaier, W. Kellerer, M. Fahrmair. Sensor Ranking: A Primitive for Efficient Content-based Sensor Search. The 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’09), April 13-16, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
- F. Schweiger, E. Steinbach, M. Fahrmair, W. Kellerer. CAMP: A Framework for Cooperation among Mobile Prosumers. IEEE ICME 2009 Workshop Community driven Mobile Multimedia, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, June 28 - July 3, 2009, Cancun, Mexico.
- G. Perrucci, F. Fitzek, G. Sasso, W. Kellerer, J. Widmer. On the Impact of 2G and 3G Network Usage for Mobile Phones' Battery Life. 15th European Wireless Conference (EW’09), Aalborg, Denmark, May 17-20, 2009.
- B. Ostermaier, B. M. Elahi, K. Römer, M. Fahrmair, W. Kellerer. Dyser — Towards a Real-Time Search Engine for the Web of Things (poster). The 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys 2008), Raleigh, NC, USA Nov. 5 - Nov. 7, 2008.
- C. Frank. P. Bolliger, W. Kellerer, M. Fahrmair, and D. Ochi. Demonstrating The Sensor Internet at Work: Locating Everyday Items Using Mobile Phones. UbiComp 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, September 9-13, 2007
- C. Frank, C. Roduner, P. Bolliger, C. Noda, W. Kellerer. A Service Architecture for Monitoring Physical Objects Using Mobile Phones. In proc. 7th Intl. Workshop on Applications and Sevices in Wireless Networks, Satander, Spain, May, 24-25, 2007.
- C. Frank, P. Bolliger, C. Roduner, W. Kellerer. Objects Calling Home: Locating Objects Using Mobile Phones.
To appear in proc. 5th Intl. Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2007), Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 2007.
- C. Frank, C. Roduner, C. Noda, M. Sgroi, W. Kellerer: Interfacing the Real World with Ubiquitous Gateways (Poster).
In Adjunct Proc. Third European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2006), Zurich, Switzerland, February 13-15, 2006, pp. 44-45.
QoE optimized Mobile Multimedia and Cross-Layer Design
- S. Thakolsri, S. Cokbulan, D. Jurca, Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. QoE-driven Cross-Layer Optimization in Wireless Networks Addressing System Efficiency and Utility Fairness. IEEE Globecom 2011, 2nd IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Communications & Services (MCS), December 5-9, 2011, Houston, USA.
- A. El Essaili, E. Steinbach, S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer. QoE-driven resource optimization for user generated video content in next generation mobile networks. IEEE ICIP 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 11-14, 2011.
- S. Thakolsri, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer. QoE-based cross-layer optimization of wireless video with unperceivable temporal video quality fluctuation. IEEE ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.
- S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach. QoE-based Rate Adaptation Scheme Selection for Resource-constrained Wireless Video Transmission. ACM Multimedia 2010, Florence, Italy, Oct. 25-29, 2010.
- S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach. Application-Driven Cross Layer Optimization for Wireless Networks using MOS-based Utility Functions. ChinaCom’09 Workshop on Application-driven Cross-layer Design for Multimedia Communications (ACDMC), Xi'an, China, August 26-28, 2009.
- G. Bianchi, A. Detti, P. Loreti, C. Pisa, S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer, J. Widmer. Cross-layer H.264 Scalable Video Downstream Delivery Over WLANs. 11th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2010), Montral, Canada, June 14-17, 2010.
- A. Detti, G. Bianchi, C. Pisa, F. S. Proto, P. Loreti, W. Kellerer, S. Thakolsri, J. Widmer.
SVEF: an Open-Source Experimental Evaluation Framework for H.264 Scalable Video Streaming.
4th IEEE Workshop on multiMedia Applications over Wireless Networks (MediaWiN 2009), Sousse, Tunisia, July 5, 2009.
- G. Bianchi, A. Detti, P. Loreti, C. Pisa, F. Proto, W. Kellerer, S. Thakolsri, J. Widmer. Cross-layer H.264 Scalable Video Coding delivery over Wireless LAN:
Experimental Assessment. 2nd International Workshop on Cross Layer Design (IWCLD 2009) Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 11-12, 2009.
- S. Khan, S. Thakolsri, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer. QoE-based Cross-layer Optimization for Wireless Multiuser Systems.
In proc. 18th ITC Specialist Seminar on Quality of Experience, Karlskrona, Sweden, May 29 - 30, 2008.
- D. Jurca, W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach, S. Khan, S. Thakolsri, P. Frossard. Joint Network and Rate Allocation for Video Streaming over Multiple Wireless Networks. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2007 (ISM2007), Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 10-12, 2007.
- A. El Essaili, S. Khan, W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach. Multiple Description Video Transcoding. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2007), San Antonio, Texas, September 16-19, 2007.
- D. Jurca, W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach, S. Khan, S. Thakolsri, P. Frossard. Joint Network and Rate Allocation for Simultaneous Wireless Applications. In proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2007), Beijing, China, July 2-5, 2007.
- A. Saul, S. Khan, G. Auer, W. Kellerer and E. Steinbach, Cross-Layer Optimization Using Model-Based Parameter Exchange. IEEE Intl. Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), Glasgow, UK. June 24-28, 2007.
- S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer, S. Khan, E. Steinbach. Application-driven Cross-layer Optimization in Wireless Networks. 2nd Seminar on Service Quality Evaluation in Wireless Networks supported by COST 290, Stuttgart, Germany, June 12, 2007.
- S. Khan, J. Brehmer, W. Kellerer, W. Utschick, E. Steinbach Application-driven cross-layer optimization for Coded OFDMA systems. In Proc. 9th Intl. Syposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2006), Sept. 17-20, 2006, San Diego, USA, (Invited Paper).
(full paper)
- S. Khan, S. Duhovnikov, E. Steinbach, M. Sgroi, W.Kellerer. Application-driven Cross-layer Optimization for Mobile Multimedia Communication using a Common Application Layer Quality Metric.
In proc. 2nd IEEE Intl. Symposium on Multimedia over Wireless (ISMW 2006) as part of International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2006), Vancouver, Canada, July 3-6, 2006.
(full paper)
- Y. Peng, S. Kahn, E. Steinbach, M. Sgroi, W. Kellerer.
Adaptive Resource Allocation and Frame Scheduling for Wireless Multi-user Video Streaming.
In proc. IEEE International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2005, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 11-14, 2005, pp. 708-711.
- S. Khan, M. Sgroi, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer.
Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Video Streaming - Performance and Cost.
In proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2005), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 6 - 8, 2005, pp. 924-927.
(full paper)
- M. Sgroi, S. Khan, E. Steinbach, W. Kellerer.
Cross-Layer Design for Reconfigurable Wireless Video Streaming Systems.
In proc. 14th WWRF, San Diego, US, July 7-8, 2005.
- L.-U. Choi, W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach.
A Joint Optimization of Application and Radio Link Layers in Wireless Multimedia Communication.
ICIP 2004, Singapore, October 2004. In proc. IEEE International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2004, Singapore, October 24-27, 2004.
- W. Kellerer, Lai-U Choi, E. Steinbach. Cross Layer Adaptation for Optimized B3G Service Provisioning.
In proc. WPMC2003, Yokosuka, Japan, Oct. 19-22, 2003.
- W. Kellerer, E. Steinbach, P. Eisert, B. Girod.
A Real-Time Internet Streaming Media Testbed.
In proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2002), Lausanne, Switzerland, August 26 - 29, 2002.
(full paper)
(Mobile) Service Platforms
- W. Kellerer, Z. Despotovic, M. Michel, A. Tarlano, H. Berndt. P-Gate: Pushing the Operator Service Platform towards the Network Edge. ICIN 2009, Bordeaux, France, October 2009.
- W. Kellerer. Dienstplattformen in der Mobilkommunikation. ITG Fachtagung Zukunft der Netze, Chemnitz, Germany, March 20, 2009.
- R. Shacham, H. Schulzrinne, S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer. Composition for Enhanced SIP Presence. In. proc. 12th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'07), Aveiro, Portugal, July 1-4, 2007.
- J. Zoric, E. Postmann, J. van der Meer, W. Kellerer, S. Thakolsri, J. Rovira Simon. Service Roaming – Architecture and Design Aspects. In proc. WWRF 17, WG2, 17th Wireless World Research Forum Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, Nov. 15-17, 2006.
- S. Thakolsri, C. Schaefer, T. Walter, W. Kellerer. Accounting Management for Session Mobility.
In proc. ACM Symposium on Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN 2006),
as part od International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2006), Vancouver, Canada, July 3-6, 2006.
(full paper)
- B. Mrohs, M. Luther, R. Vaidya, M. Wagner, S. Steglich, W. Kellerer, S. Arbanowski.
OWL-SF - A Distributed Semantic Service Framework. In proc. Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2005), Helsinki, Finland, June 16-17, 2005.
- R. Shacham, H. Schulzrinne, S. Thakolsri, W. Kellerer.
The Virtual Device: Expanding Wireless Communication Services through Service Discovery and Session Mobility.
In proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob’2005, Montreal, Canada, August 22 – 24, 2005.
- V. Räisänen, W. Kellerer, P. Hölttä, O. Karasti and S. Heikkinen.
Service Management Evalution. In proc. IST Mobile Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, June20 -22, 2005.
- M. Luther, B. Mrohs, M. Wagner, S. Steglich, W. Kellerer.
Situational Reasoning – A Practical OWL Use Case.
In proc. 7th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2005), Chengdu, China, April 4 - 8, 2005, pp. 461-468.
- C. Noda, W. Kellerer, E. Rukzio, H. Hussmann, N. Blefari Melazzi, S. Salsano, R. Seidl.
The Simplicity Architectural Concept. In proc. 13th WWRF, Jeju, Korea, March 1-3, 2005.
- N. Blefari Melazzi, W. Kellerer, C. Noda, S. Salsano, R. Seidl.
The simplicity project: archiecture concept.
In proc. Workshop on Next Generation IP-based Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems, IEEE/IPSJ SAINT 2005, Trento, Italy, Jan. 31, 2005.
- M. Wagner, T. Liebig, O. Noppens, S. Balzer, W. Kellerer.
Towards Semantic-based Service Discovery on Tiny Mobile Devices.
In proc. Third International Se Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-11, 2004, LNCS 3298.
- M. Solarski, L. Strick, K. Motonaga, C. Noda, W. Kellerer.
Flexible Middleware Support for Future Mobile Services and Their Context-Aware Adaptation.
In. proc. IFIP International Conference, INTELLCOMM 2004, Bangkok, Thailand, November 23-26, 2004, LNCS 3283.
- M. Wagner, W. Kellerer. Web Services Selection for Distributed Composition of Multimedia Content.
In proc. ACM Multimedia 2004, New York, US, October 2004.
(full paper)
- K. Montonaga, H. Honjo, L. Stick, C. Noda, W. Kellerer.
Realization of User-centric Mobile Middleware.
In proc. 11th WWRF, Oslo, Norway, June 10-11, 2004.
- M. Wagner, A. Tarlano, R. Hirschfeld, W. Kellerer.
From Personal Mobility to Mobile Personality. In proc. Eurescom Summit 2003, Heidelberg, Germany, Oct. 2003.
- W. Kellerer, M. Wagner, W.-T. Balke. Preference-based Session Management for Personalized Services.
In proc. MoMuC 2003, Munich, Germany, Oct. 6-8, 2003.
- A. Tarlano, W. Kellerer. Agent Context Interest Communities for Wireless Computing.
In proc. IASTED WOC2003, Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 14-16, 2003.
- W. Kellerer, R. Hirschfeld, A. Tarlano, M. Wagner.
Towards a Personalized Service Provisioning Environment.
In proc. IST Mobile Communications Summit 2003, Aveiro, Portugal, June 15-18, 2003.
- R. Bogenberger, W. Kellerer, T. Kosch, T. Reicher, C. Schwingenschlögl, P. Sties, M. Wagner.
Virtual City Portal – A Multi-Network Personal Information System for Automobile Users.
In proc. Multiradio Multimedia Communications - Communication Technology for Vehicles, Dortmund, Germany, February 26 and 27, 2003.
- M. Wagner, W.-T. Balke, R. Hirschfeld, W. Kellerer. A Roadmap to Advanced Personalization of Mobile Services.
In proc. Federated Conferences CoopIS / ODBASE / DOA 2002, Irvine, CA, USA, October 30 – November 1, 2002.
Signaling Systems
- W. Kellerer, H. Berndt. Next Generation Service Session Signaling.
In proc. TINA Workshop 2002, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, October 2-4, 2002.
- J. Glasmann, W. Kellerer, H. Müller. Service Development and Deployment in H.323 and SIP.
In proc. IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communication, Hammamet, Tunisia, July 3 - 5, 2001.
- W. Kellerer. Intelligence on Top of the Networks: SIP based Service Control Layer Signaling.
In proc. IEEE Intelligent Network Workshop 2001, Intelligence in Next Generation Networks Boston, USA, May 6-9, 2001.
(full paper)
- P. Sties, W. Kellerer. A Generic and Implementation Independent Service Description Model.
In proc. 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, Distributed Dynamic Multiservice Architecture Workshop (DDMA), Mesa, Arizona, USA, April 16-19, 2001.
- W. Kellerer, P. Sties.
Signalisierungsplattform zur netzübergreifenden Dienststeuerung in heterogener TIME Infrastruktur.
In proc. KiVS 2001, GI/VDE/ITG Conference "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen", Hamburg, Germany, February 20-23, 2001.
- W. Kellerer. Server Architecture for Network Independent Multimedia Service Control.
In proc. ITG Workshop "IP in Telekommunikationsnetzen", Bremen, Germany, January 25-26, 2001.
- W. Kellerer.
A Versatile Network Independent Server Architecture For Multimedia Information and Communication Services.
In proc. SmartNet2000, Sixth IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Networks, Vienna, Austria, September 18-22, 2000.
(full paper)
- B. Guedhami, C. Klein, W. Kellerer. Web Enabled Telecommunication Service Control Using VoxML.
In proc. SmartNet2000, Sixth IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Networks, Vienna, Austria, September 18-22, 2000.
- W. Kellerer, P. Sties, P. Moritz. Service Interactions beyond IN: The new Challenge for Multimedia and Convergence. In proc. ICIN'2000, 5th International Conference on Intelligence in Networks, Bordeaux, France, January, 2000.
- W. Kellerer, B. Quendt. Multimedia Service Architectures - An Overview. In proc. of EUNICE'98, 4th Open European Summer School on Network Management and Operation, Munich, Aug. 31 - Sept. 3, 1998.
IP over Broadcast Networks
- C. Rauch, W. Kellerer, P. Sties. Hybrid Mobile Interactive Services Combining DVB-T and GPRS.
In proc. EPMCC 2001, 4th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, Vienna, Austria, February 20-22, 2001.
- W. Kellerer, P. Sties, J. Eberspächer.
IP based Enhanced Data Casting Services over Radio Broadcast Networks.
In proc. IEEE European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks, Colmar, France, October 2-4 2000.
- P. Sties, W. Kellerer. Radio Broadcast Networks enable Broadband Internet Access for Mobile Users. In proc. EUNICE'99, 5th Open European Summer School on Access to Internet in the Next Century, Barcelona, Spain, September 1999.
- P. Sties, J. Eberspächer, W. Kellerer, B. Kreutzer, H. Reichel, G. Zurek-Terhardt. Broadband Internet Access Over Digital Video Broadcast (DVB). In proc. European Conference on Networks and Optical Communication, NOC'99, Delft, The Netherlands, June 1999.
Communications Protocol Engineering
- W. Kellerer, A. Autenrieth, A. Iselt. SDL based protocol engineering and visualization for education: ISDN Q.931 case study. In proc. FORTE/PSTV'98 - Tutorials/ECASP, International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols (FORTE XI) and Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (PSTV XVIII), Paris, France, Nov. 3-6,1998.
- H.-J. Vögel, W. Kellerer, S. Karg, M. Kober, A. Beckert, G. Einfalt. SDL based prototyping of ISDN-DECT-PBX switching software. In proc. SAM'98, 1st Workshop of the SDL Forum Society on SDL and MSC, Berlin, Germany, June 29 - July 1, 1998.
- W. Kellerer, A. Iselt, R. Riek. Specification, Simulation and Implementation of an Advanced OSI Data-Link Protocol on an embedded Microcontroller System. In proc. FORTE/PSTV'96, International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols (FORTE IX) and Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (PSTV XVI), Kaiserslautern, Germany, Oct. 8-11, 1996.
- K. Wehrle, W. Kellerer, S. Singhal, R. Steinmetz
P2P’08 – Eight International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, US, 2008. ISBN 978-0-7695-3318-6
- S. Arbanowski, W. Kellerer, S. Steglich
Applications and Services in Wireless Networks - Proceedings ASWN 2006
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, 2006. ISBN 10: 3-8167-7111-4
ASWN 2006
- W. Kellerer
Serverarchitektur zur netzunabhängigen Dienststeuerung in heterogenen Kommunikationsnetzen
Utz-Verlag, München, 2002. ISBN 3-8316-0123-2
Also available online via TUM-library
- W. Kellerer, A. Schmidt, P. Sties
Strukturierte Softwareentwicklung für Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste
BOD, Norderstedt, 2002. ISBN 3-8311-3002-7.
Contributions to Books
- W. Kellerer. Mobile Service Systems. In H. Berndt (Edt.): 4G Technologies - Services with Initiative. Wiley, Chichester, 2008. ISBN 0470010312
- Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Extension to Ubiquitous: Mobile Peer-To-Peer. In H. Berndt (Edt.): 4G Technologies - Services with Initiative. Wiley, Chichester, 2008. ISBN 0470010312
- M. Sgroi, W. Kellerer. Cross-Layer Design – a new Paradigm for Optimization of Mobile Communication Systems. In H. Berndt (Edt.): 4G Technologies - Services with Initiative. Wiley, Chichester, 2008. ISBN 0470010312
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- S. Arbanowski, W. Kellerer (Edts.): Service Infrastructure. In R. Taffazolli (Edt.): Technologies for the Wireless Future - Volume 2, Wiley, Chichester, 2006.
- W. Kellerer, R. Schollmeier, K. Wehrle. Peer-to-Peer in Mobile Environments. In R. Steinmetz, K. Wehrle (Edts.):
Peer-to-Peer-Systems and Applications. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3485, August 2005.
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- S. Arbanowski, R.-P. Zeletin, W. Kellerer, A. Tarlano, et al.: Service Infrastructures. In Rahim Taffazolli (Edt.): Technologies for the Wireless Future. Wiley, Chichester, 2005.
- N. Blefari Melazzi, G. Bianchi, W. Kellerer, et al.: The Simplicity Project: Managing Complexity in a Diverse ICT World.
In G. Riva, F. Vatalaro, F. Davide (Eds): Ambient Intelligence: The Evolution of Technology, Communication and Cognition Towards the Future of Human-Computer Interaction – Volume 6 Emerging Communication: Studies on New Technologies and Practices in Communication.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, January 2005.
- Kellerer: Zukünftige Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Softwareentwicklung
In V. Jung, H.-J. Warnecke (Hrsg.): Handbuch für die Telekommunikation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
Selected Presentations
- W. Kellerer. Mobile Content Delivery Networks and Information Centric Networks (ICNs) . 40th workshop of the VDE/ITG focus group 5.2.4 Mobility in IP based Networks, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 27, 2012.
- W. Kellerer. W. Kellerer. Software Defined Networking. Forschungsausschuss des Münchner Kreis, Berlin, Sept. 14, 2012.
- W. Kellerer. Successful German-Japanese research cooperation using the example of DOCOMO Communication Laboratories Europe GmbH.
Business-Meeting, Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft in Bayern e.V.. Munich, Germany, June 20, 2012.
- W. Kellerer. Next Mobile Network. Meeting of the ITG Fachgruppe 5.2.4, Munich, Germany, March 13-14, 2012.
- W. Kellerer. Next Mobile Network. NTT DOCOMO R&D Open House, YRP, Japan, Nov. 10, 2011.
- W. Kellerer. Next Mobile Network. NTT DOCOMO R&D Kick Off Meeting, Yokosuka, Japan, October 19, 2011.
- W. Kellerer. Service Program Mobility Architecture. IEEE ICIN 2011, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 4-7, 2011.
- W. Kellerer. Challenges ahead: virtualization, manageability, mobility.
IEEE COMPSAC/SAINT 2011 Plenary Panel: „Perspectives on Computed World: Software Beyond the Digital Society“, July 21, 2011, Munich, Germany.
- W. Kellerer. Netzwerkvirtualisierung als Herausforderungen für das Management von Mobilfunknetzen. Conference on "Future Internet" ("Zukünftiges Internet") organized by BMBF, Berlin, Germany, July 5-6, 2011.
- W. Kellerer. Erfolgreiche deutsch-japanische Wissenschaftskooperation am Beispiel der DOCOMO Communication Laboratories Europe.
Jahrestagung der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaften in Deutschland. Munich, Germany, June 3, 2011.
- W. Kellerer. Towards a Next Mobile Network. ITG Conference on Broadband Access, Berlin, Germany, March 29-30, 2011.
W. Kellerer. Architectural Considerations for the Management of the Future Internet. Dagstuhl Seminar 0952 on Management of the Future Internet, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, Jan. 27-30, 2009.
W. Kellerer. The Chordella Overlay Network - Testbed Experiences and Requirements. Workshop on Setup and Operation of Open Testbed Infrastructures in the Context of NGN and Future Internet - Status Quo and Quo Vadis as part of GI/ITG Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009), Kassel, Germany, March 6, 2009.
W. Kellerer. Dienstplattformen in der Mobilkommunikation. ITG Fachtagung Zukunft der Netze, Chemnitz, Germany, March 20, 2009.
- W. Kellerer. Managing Large Scale Service Deployment. 19th IFIP/IEEE Intl. Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2008, Samos island, Greece, September 2008 (Panel Presentation).
- W. Kellerer. Peer-to Peer Concepts of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Workshop on Next Generation Internet supported by the SpoVNet project, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 17, 2008.
- W. Kellerer, B. Stiller. Simple Economic Management Approaches of Overlay Traffic in Heterogeneous Internet Topologies (SmoothIT). GI/ITG Expert Discussion “Future Internet”, Heidelberg, Germany, June 17, 2008.
- W. Kellerer. The Bright Future of P2P: a Telecom Operator's Perspective (Invited keynote). IEEE Intl. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, (P2P 2007), Galway, Ireland, September 2-5, 2007
- W. Kellerer. How will network service evolve over the next decade. Panel presentation at IEEE ICC 2007, Intl. Conference on Communications, Glasgow, UK, June 24-28, 2007.
- W. Kellerer. Trends in Mobile Peer-to-Peer. Panel presentation at MP2P 2007 workshop in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2007, White Plains, NY, US, March 19-23, 2007.
- Z. Despotovic, W. Kellerer. Reputation-based computational models of trust in P2P networks. Dagstuhl Seminar Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications, teamwork on mobile P2P, Dagstuhl, Germany, March 26-29, 2006.
- W. Kellerer. Data Management in the Social Web. Panel presentation at EDBT2006, Extending Data Base Technologies, Munich, Germany, March 27-29, 2006.
- W. Kellerer. Compelling Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks. Panel presentation at DATE 06, Design, Automation & Test in Europe, Munich, Germany, March 6-10, 2006.
- W. Kellerer. Peer-to-Peer Paradigms and Advances. Panel presentation at 5th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN 2005), Paris, France, June 29 – July 1, 2005.
- W. Kellerer. Peer-to-Peer Research at DoCoMo Euro-Labs. Open Peer-to-Peer Workshop organized by NTT DoCoMo and Ericsson, Stockholm Sweden, June 10, 2005.
- W. Kellerer. Mobile Peer-to-Peer Perspectives. Dagstuhl Seminar 05152, Perspectives Workshop: Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - New Research Issues, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, April 8-12, 2005.
- W. Kellerer. mITF and WWRF Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems. Workshop on Next Generation IP-based Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems as part of IEEE/IPSJ SAINT 2005, Trento, Italy, Jan. 31, 2005.
- W. Kellerer. Service Platform and Network Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Services. Panel presentation at IEEE/IPSJ SAINT 2005, Trento, Italy, Jan 31 – Feb. 4, 2005.
- W. Kellerer, R. Schollmeier. Zone-based Peer-to-Peer.
ITG Workshop Zukunft der Netze, Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 1, 2004.
- W. Kellerer, R. Schollmeier. Zone-based Peer-to-Peer.
ITG Workshop on IP Netzmanagement, IP Netzplanung und Optimierung, Wuerzburg, Germany, July 27-28, 2004.
- W. Kellerer. User-centered Service Access in an (auto-)mobile Environment. FORSOFT/SOFTNET Symposium, Garching, Germany, December 2003.
- W. Kellerer. Next Generation Mobile Service Platform and Middelware Technology. Invited talk (IRT group meeting), Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, USA, September 4, 2003.
- W. Kellerer. Seamless Integration of Heterogeneous Wireless Network Technologies and Services. Panel Presentation at ASWN2003, July 2-4, Berne, Switzerland.
- W. Kellerer. Dienste für die vierte Generation Mobilfunk. Institute of Communication Networks, Munich University of Technology, Germany, June 27th, 2003.
- W. Kellerer. Vision Mobilfunk - Die vierte Generation: Technologien und Anwendungen. VDE/VDI Seminar Informationstechnik (AKI), Munich, Germany, May 8, 2003.
- W. Kellerer. Systems Beyond 3G - Operators Vision. Keynote speech at 7th WWRF meeting, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, December 2002.
- W. Kellerer. Service Provisioning Environment. DoCoMo Communications Laboratories USA, San Jose, CA, USA, November 4, 2002.
- W. Kellerer. Personalization of Mobile Services. Invited talk (UC Berkeley Database Group Seminar). Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, November 5, 2002.
- W. Kellerer. Mobile Services Beyond 3G. Panel discussion, IST STARLITE Workshop, Milano, Italy, October 9, 2002.
- W. Kellerer, H. Berndt. Die Zukunftsvision von NTT DoCoMo Euro-Labs für die nächste Generation Mobilfunk. 7. Münchener Seminar Geoinformationssysteme 2002, Munich, Germany, March 6 - 8, 2002
- W. Kellerer. SIP based Service Signaling in Next Generation Networks
Siemens Enterprise Networks, San Jose, CA, Nov. 29, 2001.
- W. Kellerer. Testbed for Internet Media Streaming over Wireless Channels (Poster). Stanford Networking Research Center, 1st Retreat, Pescadero, CA, Nov. 15, 2001.
- W. Kellerer. Web over DVB-T - A Multimedia Information System based on Radio Broadcast Networks. Stanford University, Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford, CA, June 1, 2001.
- W. Kellerer. Multimedia Service Engineering - Forschungsergebnisse im Teilprojekt C2 von FORSOFT. LKN-Seminar, München, 8.3.2000.
- W. Kellerer. Kostenmanagement dienstespezifischer Software in der Telekommunikation. 1. FORSOFT-Symposium im Rahmen der SYSTEMS'98, München, 20.10.1998.
- W. Kellerer. Dienstarchitekturen in der Telekommunikation.
LKN-Seminar, München, 27.4.1998.
- W. Kellerer. SDL-basiertes Rapid Prototyping für Kommunikationssysteme
2. Workshop zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm Rapid Prototyping für integrierte Steuerungssysteme mit harten Echtzeitbedingungen, München, 15.-16.9.1997.
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